Education has always been a prolific space for innovation. Teachers all over the world are constantly coming up with new ideas and methodologies to introduce in the classroom.


Technology has taken over class room teaching and transformed them into learning laboratories. The subject matter is worked on to make it interesting, knowledge based and interactive. Focus is on stress free learning by simplifying complex concepts and forming a strong base. Activity based learning in a play way methodology will be adopted. Modern concepts and problem solving skills will develop curiosity, comprehension and creativity.


A graphic presentation of knowledge will transform abstract ideas into concrete visual images. A close monitoring of each individual child will help identifying the innate strengths/weaknesses. Creatively designed modules by trained faculty will bridge learning gaps and facilitate competencies. Regular test series and assignments will provide ample practice to make subject matter lucid and clear all doubts. Further Performance Booster Classes will enhance academic excellence.


Secondary level school is an important part of a child's educational life as it lays down the foundation of the child's CAREER. Focus on studies is very important in these years and simultaneously it is important to keep the child stress free. We, at The Sanskriti School, believe that in life every moment is an opportunity to learn. Our students grow in various direction. Their interests are kindled by the large number of different stimuli provided by various methodologies formulated by us. We ensure that the child does his preparation for competitive exams as well as excel in school and board exams without spending extra hours out of home. Our integrated programme prepares the students from the very beginning to face the competitive exams with ease. Specially trained faculties design the curriculum in such a way that the child covers the school course and at the same time prepare for the competitive exams. Focus is not only on studies but also on preparing emotionally and socially strong citizens of the country.